If you completed a refund or replacement for a customer who reached out to you about an order covered by Route Shipping Protection, please request a reimbursement in the Merchant Portal using the instructions below. All reimbursements will be processed according to our claims policies.
Note: After completing this process, you will receive your reimbursement on the following reimbursement cycle.
Step 1: Calculate your reimbursement
- Refunds: Please include the total cost of the original order, excluding the Route Shipping Protection premium.
- Reorders: Please include the total cost of the new order.
Note: If your online store uses a currency other than U.S. dollars (USD), please convert the value to USD using an accurate, trusted currency exchange resource, such as xe.com.
Step 2: Submit your reimbursement in the Merchant Portal
If the customer has already submitted a claim:
- Go to the Claims tab
- Search the order number
- Click on the order
- Under Issues, click Mark as Resolved
- Select the item(s) you refunded or replaced
- Under Select Reason, select refunded or replaced
- Under Refund Amount, enter the dollar amount (in USD) you are requesting for reimbursement
- Click Submit
If the customer has not yet submitted a claim:
- Go to the Orders tab
- Search the order number
- Click on the order
- Click Request Reimbursement*
- Select the item(s) you refunded or replaced
- Select the resolution method (replacement or refund)
- Select the reason (lost, damaged, or stolen)
- Enter the dollar amount (in USD) you are requesting for reimbursement
- If reason is “damage,” click Add a Photo
- Click Submit
*If the ”Request a Reimbursement” button is not shown, confirm that the order is protected by Route by clicking the Orders tab and searching the order number.
If the order is listed as Not Protected, your customer did not purchase Route Shipping Protection for their order. You will not be able to submit a reimbursement for this order.
If the order is listed as Protected, please contact our Merchant Experience team via email at merchantsupport@route.com.
To track the status of a reimbursement for a specific claim, visit the Claims tab. There you can find the status of your request and the expected date of your reimbursement once it is approved.