If you elect to use your bank account as your Payment Account in the Merchant Portal, you may be prompted to verify your banking information using micro-deposits, a small amount of money, usually under $1. This process usually occurs if Stripe, our billing software, does not support your bank, you choose to opt-out of Stripe’s instant verification process, or when that process fails.
After entering your banking information, a micro-deposit will appear in your account in 1-2 business days. Your designated billing contact will receive an email from Stripe with a link to verify the deposit. The email subject line will read: “Verify your bank account for Route.”
Open the email and click the link, which will open a form with a field for entering a unique 6-digit descriptor code. To find this code, you will need to log into your bank account. Find the micro-deposit and its corresponding statement descriptor (or sender account), starting with “SMXXXX.” Input that 6-digit code into the field on the form. If the code matches, your account will be verified immediately.
If you cannot confirm the statement descriptor for some reason (e.g. your bank doesn't properly display the statement descriptor), please click "Help - I can't find the micro-deposit" on the emailed form from Stripe. Stripe will then trigger two additional micro-deposits, which will take 1-2 days to process.
You will then receive another email from Strip with a link to a form where you can enter the two micro-deposit amounts. Log into your bank account, look for two micro-deposits with the statement descriptor “ACCTVERIFY,” and input the monetary amounts of two micro-deposit into the Stripe form. If the amounts match, your account will be verified immediately.
If after three days the micro deposits have not appeared in your account, please reach out to our Merchant Experience team via email at merchantsupport@route.com.
If you delayed more than 10 days to verify payments after receiving the email, you will be required to start the verification process again.
You have three chances to enter the correct amounts. If you attempt and fail too many times, you will be required to start the verification process again.
If you are an international merchant, you will be unable to connect a bank account unless you use a U.S. bank and have a U.S. address for your business.