Route makes reimbursements on a weekly basis. Every Monday, we tally the total value of refunds and replacement orders made through your store the week prior, and every Friday we initiate the deposit for those funds to your Reimbursement Account. You can review these weekly transactions on the Reimbursements page in the Finance tab of your Merchant Portal and download invoices for your records.
If you notice a discrepancy in the amount you were reimbursed, it may be due to one of the following reasons:
Claim costs
You can verify the price of items filed in the claim, as well as the number of items filed in the claim, by going to the Claims tab in the Merchant Portal. Search the order number and click on the order to open the Claims Page. You can find the item details, the total resolution value, and the merchant reimbursement listed there.
Transaction fees
If you use Wire Transfer or PayPal for your Reimbursement Account, you will incur a transaction fee, which is deducted from the reimbursement total each week. This fee is reflected in your reimbursement invoice, which can be downloaded from the Reimbursements section in the Finance Tab of your Merchant Portal.
Currency conversion and associated fees
Our reimbursement software, Tipalti, calculates all reimbursements in U.S. dollars (USD) first. It then deducts any transaction fees and currency conversion rate fees (1-3%) from that value, also in USD. The remaining total will be converted and paid out in your local currency. Please note that exchange rates may fluctuate day to day and will be noted on the reimbursement invoice. Tipalti’s currency conversion fee is not reflected in reimbursement records.
Hold over payments
Route will pause reimbursements when information is missing or outdated from your Payment and Reimbursement Accounts. Once valid account information is added, we will pay out any outstanding reimbursements in a lump sum. You can add or adjust your account information in the Finance tab of your Merchant Portal.
AIR (Automated Issue Resolution) reimbursement calculations
Our AIR integrations calculates the value of reimbursements as follows:
- Refunds: Capped at the exact price the customer paid for the item(s), plus shipping and taxes.
- Reorders: Capped at the full price of the item(s), plus shipping and taxes. Note: If item(s) were discounted, we will reimburse the non-discounted amount.
For any additional questions, please reach out to our Merchant Experience team via email at